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Showing posts from March, 2015

SharePoint 2013 - .master file not generated from masterpage html

Created a master page from seattle.html and uploaded it via a Sandbox solution. But the master page file .master was not generated automatically. Saved the file manually and the .master file was generated. Tried updating the file with powershell, still masterpage .master file not generated. Noticed the following properties and the value was set to true for a successful conversion. <mso:htmldesignconversionsucceeded msdt:dt="string">False</mso:htmldesignconversionsucceeded> <mso:htmldesignstatusandpreview msdt:dt="string"></mso:htmldesignstatusandpreview> used powershell to set the value to false and updated the file. The .master file was generated successfully. Wrote a small powershell snippet as part of deployment to ensure that .master is generated before setting the masterpage.

word-wrap:break-word does not work

During troubleshooting a css where the text wrap was just not working even though the style had word-wrap:break-word included. Later figured that there was another css property which was preventing it from working. Added this to style and it started working. white-space: normal;